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Sunday, February 4, 2024

SCBWI Japan Creative Exchange - January 2024

 SCBWI Japan Creative Exchange - January 2024

Writers and illustrators met up via Zoom for Friday’s SCBWI Japan Creative Exchange. It was not only fun, but also very helpful as we critiqued one another’s manuscripts. SCBWI Japan Regional Advisor Mari Boyle led the critique, assisted by Alec McAuley (Assistant Regional Advisor,) Kazumi Wilds (Regional Illustrator Coordinator,) and Susan Jones (Translator Coordinator.) Thank you so much to them for organizing the great event.

If you don’t know how the critique works, we submitted our manuscripts (up to 2,000 words) a few days before the event. The submitted manuscripts were then emailed to the attendees a couple of days beforehand to read. There were so many interesting book ideas.

As we read the manuscripts, we thought about what we admire in the manuscripts, and how the manuscripts can be improved. Then during the Creative Exchange, we shared our thoughts. 

SCBWI Members sharing the works-in-progress 

During the Creative Exchange, Mari started off with the picture book manuscripts—some were text and one was illustrations. (So many talented SCBWI Japan members!) Then she progressed to the YA and MG manuscripts. Our comments were always gentle. The goal is to help one another! The Creative Exchange is a wonderful way to become a better writer. If you are hesitant about joining in, please don’t be. We welcome new members, even if it’s just to listen in and see what it’s all about. Everyone is supportive.

Thank you to everyone who participated at the event, especially Mari, Alec, Kazumi and Susan. Hope to see everyone at the next SCBWI Japan Creative Exchange.

You can find out when the next Creative Exchange is or any of our other events by going to our regional website.