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SCBWI Japan, is the Japan regional chapter of SCBWI and offers illustrators, writers and translators of children’s and young adult literature throughout Japan support, information, and community. Although primarily an English-language organization, SCBWI Japan welcomes members of all nationalities based in Japan and holds events throughout the year in English and Japanese.

  Events  SCBWI Japan holds a variety of events for writers, illustrators and translators (Japanese to English) of children's content, including talks by invited speakers in the field of children’s and young adult literature, and ranging from presentations and workshops to creative exchanges and critiques. At present many of our events are online, though we are adding some in-person events too. Many SCBWI Japan events are held at the Tokyo Women's Plaza.  Map. You can find out more about what's on by clicking here   Google Groups SCBWI Japan maintains several Google Groups , including the main SCBWI Japan group and the SCBWI Japan Translation Group. Both  members and non-members of SCBWI are free to join. The Google Groups provide an opportunity for writers, illustrators and translators throughout Japan to network in an online forum. For information on joining any of the SCBWI Google Groups contact us .   Membership Membership in SCBWI Japan is included in general SCBWI membership. Benefits of SCBWI membership include reduced admission fees to SCBWI events in Japan and worldwide, subscription to the SCBWI Bulletin, eligibility for awards and grants, manuscript and illustration exchanges, insider publications such as SCBWI's The Book, listing details of publishers and editors worldwide, networking events and online forums. For information on membership go to Join SCBWI